Food deserts are places where people have a hard time accessing grocery stores with fresh and nutritious food. Springfield ...
Uncertainty over federal funding and a potential $24 million gap are some of the concerns heading into budget season in ...
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Ozarks First Investigates is following the historic spending behind the Springfield school board race in recent years, how it compares to campaign spending for Springfield ...
Reaction tonight after a speaker was banned from the city council's public broadcasting. Springfield resident, Caitlyn Weiss, said council members banned ...
SPRINGFIELD — City Hall is hoping to submit a proposed budget to the City Council in early May, but officials admit that ...
The Springfield City Council has approved the eight nominations for the inaugural Citizens' Advisory Board, which will ...
Springfield City Council voted 8-to-1 to approve the first major overhaul to Springfield’s land development code in 30 years ...
The group is pushing for an ordinance to cap campaign contributions at $2,000 as a way of limiting the influence of ...
The Springfield City Council has unanimously passed a bill outlawing lane splitting on city streets, and officers will have the discretion to ticket those who do not comply.
Council voted 9-to-zero to pass a resolution calling for the city to work on developing fresh food options in parts of town ...