Apple harvest is generally from mid-August into October. Most apples sold in our country between November through December ...
A festival this weekend celebrates apples and their history in this area while also supporting a local Ruritan Club.
In the big apple-growing state of Michigan, the harvest is expected to be huge for the third year in a row. But bigger isn't always better, and growers are working on ways to slow down the harvest.
Farmers in southern Ghazni province say this year's apple harvest is satisfactory, but they do not have a <a target= ...
Pruning apple trees has many benefits. It can prevent damaged tree limbs from harming other branches and increase airflow between branches, reducing potential fungal diseases, says Eric North, program ...
The seeds that you remove from your apple slices can actually be planted into the ground and, within about ten years, you'll ...
USA TODAY spoke with apple breeders, growers and researchers to find the secrets of one of America's most popular fruits.
Apples have a way of bringing warmth and comfort to the kitchen, whether in traditional pies or inventive new desserts. This ...
It's fall in Humboldt County and apples and pears are in abundance. What to do with the excess (as in, what's left over after ...
Lorton celebrated this year’s apple harvest with its first Melbreak Communities Apple Day. The Melbreak Community consists of the parishes of Blindbothel, Buttermere, Lorton and Loweswater and the ...
where blossoms signal the promise of an abundant harvest ahead," Luttrell continued. "This celebration of vibrant blossoms ...