A groundbreaking study by the Roslin Institute explores how whole genome duplication shaped the complexity and evolution of ...
While humans share over 95% of their genome with chimpanzees, our brains are far more complex due to differences in gene ...
A groundbreaking DNA analysis has finally identified James Vanest as the perpetrator in the brutal 1981 murder of Debra ...
Following the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, thousands of people were compelled to leave their homes, also abandoning their pets ...
Researchers have made breakthrough discoveries about human migration patterns across Europe during the first millennium AD.
A joint research group team led by Sayuri Tsukahara and Tetsuji Kakutani of the University of Tokyo has clarified a mechanism ...
Two studies published today, which together cover the past 50,000 years of human evolution, suggest Neanderthal DNA was already well and truly within our species' gene pool by around 42,000 years ago.
The extraction of genetic material from archaeological remains, known as ancient DNA, is helping scientists gain insights into our distant past. With advances in sequencing technology, these ...