Dev Joshi initially posted a video on social media with the heartfelt caption as he gets engaged to Aarti. He wrote, “And we decided on forever! Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter ...
Actor Dev Joshi, best known for starring in children's television show Baalveer, recently announced his engagement to Aarti.
Actor Dev Joshi, famous for his role in Baal Veer, is now engaged to his fiancée, Aarti. The couple announced their ...
Baalveer actor Dev Joshi shared an adorable photo on his Instagram revealing the news of his engagement with his fiancee, ...
Actor Dev Joshi of Baal Veer fame is engaged. The actor shared a photo with his fiancee on Instagram. Actor Dev Joshi, who became a household name with the popular TV show Baal Veer, is now engaged.
Beloved actor Dev Joshi, famous for his role as Baal Veer in the popular TV series, has embarked on a new chapter of his life by getting engaged to his partner, Aarti. The actor shared an ...