The course will cover principles of molecular genetics including structure, function and regulations of genes (DNA, RNA, proteins), genetic variation, inheritance patterns and both cytogenetic and ...
This course is designed to provide students with the foundation on which to build the skills to be a successful genetic counselor. Students will explore contexts and situations in genetic counseling ...
The theories of both classical and molecular genetics are explored with emphasis on the experimental evidence which has laid the foundation for contemporary understanding of genetics, included is the ...
The Genes, Systems and Computation Seminar (GSC) series is jointly run by the Institute for Systems Genetics (ISG) and the ...
For more information about current course offerings or registration details, please consult the Office of the Registrar. Includes laboratory. An introduction to genetics, cell biology and molecular ...
There are three workshops held on a rotating basis: a Latent Genetics Course, a Molecular Genetics Course, and a Virtual Course held remotely via zoom focussing on mixed content. The Latent Genetics ...
Fall. 3 hours. This class is also available online. This course will provide a topical overview of issues in public health genetics. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the complex ...
Why? The decay is due to changes in nerve fibres that slow the speed of conduction as you age. Of course, there’s a genetic ...
Discover if Manchester is right for you with an online or in-person meeting. Our BSc Genetics course will enable you to study a discipline of fundamental importance to all branches of modern biology, ...
Discover if Manchester is right for you with an online or in-person meeting. Our MSci Genetics course will enable you to achieve an integrated master's degree while you study for a BSc, giving you ...
An advanced course in animal breeding and genetics designed to introduce aspects of breeding value estimation, index selection and maternal effects across herd/flock genetic evaluations, genotype by ...