"We know with our black legged or deer ticks, some will be carrying Lyme disease," Pols said ... according to the Michigan Disease Surveillance System. Being aware and acting fast will help ...
Patrick Varine Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2019 12:01 a.m. | Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2019 12:01 a.m. SPAGHETTI DINNER BENEFIT A Sept. 22 spaghetti dinner at the Parks Township Fire Hall, 1119 Dalmatian Drive in ...
BILLINGS — A Bozeman hunter’s bird dog has alerted health officials to the possibility that the tick that carries Lyme ...
They have the potential to carry multiple diseases with Lyme disease being the most common. Anaplasmosis is the second most ...
So he and students are looking at where the ticks are that are carrying the bacteria that cause Lyme, and why they end up with that bacteria. “It’s potentially what they’ve been eating ...