The European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter has spotted "spiders" on the Red Planet's southern polar region. But they're not the arachnids we fear or adore back on Earth — they're the ...
But arachnophobes have nothing to fear, even if the Mars orbiter images appear to suggest ... a formation known as Inca City ...
The north pole of Mars is slowly sinking under the weight of an ice cap that only formed within the past few million years. And, in the process, it's telling us something about what the planet's ...
"Hindsight is always 100 percent, but if they (the Mars Climate Orbiter and Mars Polar Lander) were a little less cheap, they would have been better," he said. Next year's launch of a Mars lander of ...
But new research garnered from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and Mars Odyssey missions ... meter below the Martian surface around Mars’ polar regions. The depth of this water ice ranges ...
CREDIT: A.Valantinas. “This study is the result of the complementary datasets from the fleet of international missions exploring Mars from orbit and at ground level,” Colin Wilson, the ...
Data from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, together with ground-based measurements from NASA Mars rovers Curiosity, Pathfinder and Opportunity, also helped make the case for ferrihydrite.
Like Earth, Mars has polar ice caps, volcanoes, canyons and deserts. This image was stitched together from a series of photos from the Viking Orbiter — one of the communications relay stations ...
Astronomers have sent artificial satellites (satellites that are manmade) to orbit several Solar System objects, including Jupiter, the asteroid Vesta and Mars. Polar orbits take the satellites ...