NASHVILLE, Tenn (WTVF ... training in the summer of ’59." The lunch counter at the Woolworth on 5this the same counter from the sit-ins.
The 1960 Nashville sit-ins marked a defining moment in the Civil ... Established in 1925, Woolworth’s lunch counter began serving meals to employees and shoppers. However, under the prevailing ...
After she moved from Chicago to Nashville to attend Fisk University ... workshops on nonviolent protest that led to the lunch counter sit-ins of 1960, which she helped orchestrate.
He participated in seminal events including the Nashville lunch counter sit-ins, the Freedom Rides, and the Selma-to-Montgomery march. As chair of SNCC he coordinated voter registration and ...
which was one of the first lunch counter sit-ins in America. The Katz Drug Store Sit-In was led by Clara Luper, a high school history teacher, and the NAACP Youth Council. Mrs. Luper was born in ...