Special to The New York Times. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may view the ...
PHILADELPHIA — City skylines can be incredibly beautiful. Skyscrapers reaching into the heavens often create stunning vistas in all kinds of conditions. One great way to take in skylines is ...
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 1. -- A thirty-two-story office building, to cost $3,500,000, is to be erected on the site of Association Hall Chestnut and Fifteenth Streets, and it is expected that when ...
The list of properties includes several Social Security Administration buildings, a Veterans Administration Center in Philadelphia and a Pittsburgh skyscraper.
This has been the season of the micro-snow. Thus, the 3.1 inches reported from Philadelphia International Airport was a skyscraper in a rowhouse neighborhood. It convincingly became the biggest ...
An earthquake centered between New York and Philadelphia shook skyscrapers and suburbs across the northeastern U.S. for several seconds Friday morning, causing no major damage but startling ...