A new season of baseball is upon us as the Cincinnati Reds chase their next World Series championship. But you can't forget ...
The omission of players like Rose and “Shoeless” Joe Jackson is still heavily debated. Baseball has faced difficult challenges before and emerged stronger each time. In 1947, Jackie Robinson ...
NEW YORK (WGN) — A pair of scrapbooks belonging to “Shoeless” Joe Jackson are up ... box scores, summaries of baseball games and photographs of Jackson mounted to the pages, which are ...
He interprets it as an instruction to build a baseball field on his farm, upon which appear the ghosts of Shoeless Joe Jackson and the other seven Chicago White Sox players banned from the game ...
Rose was banned from baseball for life in 1989 ... Hall of Fame induction posthumously, well, Shoeless Joe Jackson would like a word. And if a player’s slate gets wiped clean at death, then ...
Fact: Pete Rose bet on baseball. Fact: betting on baseball brings a lifetime ban. Fact: Rose is dead. Does that mean he should now be inducted?