The sight of an ungainly and mostly hairless white moose trudging into a northern British Columbia town has become the most visible sign of the winter tick problem in the province. The parasite ...
The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department has proposed issuing 180 moose hunting permits in Vermont’s Wildlife Management Unit (WMU) E in the northeastern corner of the state in ...
The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department has proposed issuing 180 moose hunting permits in Vermont’s Wildlife Management Unit ...
Moose are nocturnal animals and are mostly only active between dusk and dawn. One of their biggest threats to survival is one of the smallest critters: winter ticks. Unlike deer ticks, winter ...
Moose populations in Vermont and New Hampshire have declined in recent years, in part because of winter ticks’ impact on calves. As in past years, officials say the goal of the hunt is to ...
Vermont wildlife officials are proposing 180 moose hunting permits to be issued for a fall hunt in Wildlife Management Unit ...
(Wildlife managers have blamed heat, ticks, and brainworms, among other factors.) But out West, Colorado is bucking this trend. In fact, moose numbers in Colorado are so high that the big critters are ...