Thieves planned a vehicle heist in Ohio and stole 15 vehicles. Police officers have only recovered two of them.
It sounds like a company is ready to tow your car and do that much needed repair. Turns out that company might be swooping in to take advantage of your situation.
Seven vehicles were stolen from Stellantis early Friday morning, with one evading arrest after driving dangerously along I-75 ...
A driver was arrested after crashing a car into the Riverview Yacht Club in Point Place. The incident happened around 3 a.m.
A man was arrested in Toledo, Ohio, after ramming his pickup truck into the driver’s-side door of another vehicle during an ...
A witness recorded the incident, which involved a confrontation and one driver striking another's door while driving away.
The Blade/Amy E. Voigt Buy This Image Mark Heilman of Toledo looks at the antique Toledo Police car in the middle of the Toledo Police Museum. The Blade/Amy E. Voigt Buy This Image Owner Mick ...
A chase that started in Toledo led into Monroe County, bringing the Sheriff's Office and Monroe City police in on the chase.
The Toledo, Ohio police department needs to replace about 100 of its 140-car fleet at a time when money's tight. When budget deficits are forecast, getting funds can be a challenge, and that's ...