Popeye can punch without permission and Tintin ... appeared in 1929 are among the intellectual properties becoming public domain in the United States on Jan. 1. That means they can be used and ...
The early version of the cartoon sailor is now in public domain, and he's already the star of a slasher movie.
Well Popeye must have entered the public domain. I wasn’t aware of that before, but it must be true because the spinach-loving sailor is the latest iconic character getting an uninspired ...
Popeye can punch without permission and Tintin ... appeared in 1929 are among the intellectual properties becoming public domain in the United States on Jan. 1. That means they can be used and ...
That's what a few filmmakers did with Mickey Mouse last year, when the first version of Walt Disney's moneymaking rodent shed its copyright and entered public domain. And there's already a Popeye ...