It’s a hot summer night in Trieste, Italy. The air is still, with not a breeze stirring as the city slumbers. But in the shadows of its central piazza, there’s no rest. Underneath the trees of Piazza ...
Weave News, a grassroots journalism organization with roots in Upstate New York and a mission emphasizing social justice and global/local connections, is hosting a gathering of community leaders, ...
We envision a world where a vibrant grassroots journalism community promotes social justice, civic engagement, and media literacy by democratizing the work of journalism itself and by revealing the ...
Today the need for truly independent, grassroots media is greater than ever before. So is the need for projects that can help promote critical media literacy and greater public awareness of ...
WHY SHARE YOUR WORK WITH WEAVE NEWS? If you share our commitment to grassroots journalism and the investigation of underreported stories, then Weave News could be the perfect outlet for your work! We ...
Help us write the next chapter. Part of Weave News’ 5-year strategic plan is to open chapters on other school or college campuses to increase the impact of our organization and further diversify our ...