Paris and Berlin are currently at odds on several files including trade agreements and what approach to take on China.
Lesotho's King Letsie III has embarked on an ambitious mission in snowy Davos, where global powerbrokers have converged, to make a royal pitch: invest in his small African nation's green transition.
President Donald Trump has given everyone at Davos something to talk about with his actions on the first day of his second term
Ce lundi s’ouvre le Forum économique mondial de Davos (Suisse) avec près de 60 chefs d’États et de gouvernement, des responsables du FMI ou de l'OMC et de grandes ONG. Tous vont débattre des
Selon un sondage du cabinet PwC, 58 % des dirigeants d’entreprise se disent très confiants, contre 38 % en 2023. Une amélioration du moral des patrons due en partie au retour de Donald Trump à la prés
DEI in Davos? At the World Economic Forum, where Presidents, CEOs, Executives and World Leaders meet one thing has been traditionally overlooked until now: Diversity
Absent cette année du Forum de Davos, le chef de l'Etat réunit ce vendredi une vingtaine de chefs d'entreprise français à un déjeuner à l'Elysée. Avec un objectif : réaffirmer ses priorités économique
There will always be border disputes in Asia, and China should not be singled out because of tensions in the South China Sea, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said Wednesday.
Quatre mois après avoir lancé à Paris le premier « Davos des banlieues », son organisateur Aziz Senni, président de l'association Quartiers d'affaires, affirme que 500 jeunes pousses et PME-TPE sont r
DAVOS (Switzerland) - World Economic Forum annual meeting PICTURE. VIDEO. (To 24) PARIS (France) - Paris Fashion Week, Menswear Fall/Winter 2025-2026 VIDEO. PICTURE. (To 26) ANKARA (Turkey) - EU crisis management chief Hadja Lahbib visits VIDEO. (To 22) DAVOS (Switzerland) - Conversation with Pham Minh Chinh, prime minister of Vietnam (1530 GMT)
Volodymyr Zelenskyy faced a different reality when he arrived in Davos this week, with Europe running low on cash and patience amid a three-year war on its doorstep.France, with a deficit of twice what EU rules allow,
World Economic Forum professes to aim to ‘improve state of the world’ but is seen as schmoozefest for establishment elites