The Public Health Madison and Dane County said on Tuesday that the department is looking ... The dog is a pit bull that is brindle-colored, and its owner is a middle-aged man. At the time of said ...
All in all, they are wicked smart and brimming with a zest for life. When it comes to large dog breeds, this mix is a highly intelligent combination of the Great Pyrenees and the Poodle. They make ...
Whether they're playing or trying to figure out how to fit in your lap, you can bet that a Great Dane is going to do things in the most complicated way possible. On Saturday, February 22nd, one Great ...
Great Dane Scooby Doo takes this role very seriously, and he does a stellar job, even when some kittens try their best to escape. Someone give this good boy a raise for the tiring, thankless work he ...
All Wiley learned about Walter, who was about a year old and listed as a chin-poodle mix, was that he had “bled a lot” and taken an unusually long time to recover after a routine neuter ...
Along Broadway, Manhattan, strayed a brindle Great Dane bitch as big as a calf and as heavy as a featherweight boxer, all alone, with her tongue lolling out and a puzzled look in her eyes.
Train with confidence, use positive reinforcement, and you’ll have a brindle pup who’s as loyal as they come. Few dogs are as majestic as the Great Dane. Towering over most other breeds, this gentle ...