Learning how to force bulbs is fairly easy. It consists of tricking popular bulbs to bloom out of season indoors. There are ...
Candle warmers are already safer than going the traditional route and lighting the wicks, but this one is even more so ...
Nothing says spring like tulips, and many gardeners love that the gorgeous blooms come back each year with no replanting ...
Planting bulbs is one of the easiest ways to fill your yard with color. Whether you are a fan of tulips or have a love of daffodils, bulbs are typically the first flowers to open in borders and pots, ...
Of course, knowing how to plant bulbs is key to a successful bloom next year. But while many people focus on timings and soil ...
Tulips like to be planted at a depth of 3 times the size of the bulbs which is about 4 to 8 inches deep. They require well-drained soils. Poorly drained or wet soils often cause decline and ...
Monty Don has shared the "most important" planting job to complete during the month of November to ensure blooms next spring.
Buy a case of repellent and repeat the process about every week or after a rainfall. Another piece of advice is don’t shop for the cheapest tulip bulbs that you can find, like someone I know does.
Although it seems like a simple enough task, planting tulip bulbs and getting it right requires a little bit more thought than other plants. So if you're a newbie or simply need a refresh, here's a ...
If we supply the plant to you it is in the growing season. This is why many bulb plants become unavailable through the year. Should I buy bulb plants as bulbs, bulbs with leaves, adult plants or just ...