A groundbreaking study by the Roslin Institute explores how whole genome duplication shaped the complexity and evolution of ...
Liver cells attempt to shut down as a defense mechanism against cancer, but this strategy is not particularly effective.
Smithsonian paleoanthropologists explore how the year brought us closer to understanding ancient human relatives and origins ...
This dynamic field has seen tremendous change in recent years. Leaders share their perspectives on what trends we can expect ...
The potential extinction of one of Florida’s ancient plant species is more than just the loss of an individual species; it’s ...
While humans share over 95% of their genome with chimpanzees, our brains are far more complex due to differences in gene expression.
A groundbreaking DNA analysis has finally identified James Vanest as the perpetrator in the brutal 1981 murder of Debra ...
Semisulcospira egretta, named after the city bird of Xiamen, the egret, was discovered by researchers in a stream during a ...
Researchers have made breakthrough discoveries about human migration patterns across Europe during the first millennium AD.
Lake Mendota bacteria evolve rapidly with seasonal changes, adapting to conditions yet returning yearly to near-original ...
Each year, most species of bacteria in a Wisconsin lake rapidly evolved, apparently in response to dramatically changing ...