Trump "wants to take us backwards," and "admires dictators a lot," Slotkin said. "He treats our friends as adversaries and our adversaries as friends." Harris recognizes "it's not just about having a ...
Star, a 2-month-old, adorable kitten is High Country Humane's Pet of the Week! Star is the sweetest little kitten, found ...
Storm chasers are often thrill seekers, but there are some animals who seek out hurricanes for more practical reasons than a ...
Tauranga’s new mayor, the now-retired Olympic gold-medal-winning rower, Mahé Drysdale, wanted to be mayor because he needed ...
The former president’s grotesque demagoguery is just the latest in a long line of vicious attacks on residents and immigrants ...
Former president Donald Trump’s flagrant violation of decorum and etiquette at Arlington National Cemetery is only the latest ...
House Speaker Mike Johnson is hosting a ceremony to posthumously present Congress' highest honor — the Congressional Gold ...