“Hillbilly Elegy,” directed by Ron Howard, tells the story of Vance growing up poor in Ohio while he was raised by his maternal grandparents and his mother, who misused substances. Glenn Close plays ...
Ever read an airport novel that’s hard to put down, but also nearly impossible to retain once you do? Sometimes books or movies operate a bit like the bus from Speed: They have to maintain a certain ...
In Season 1, the corruption went all the way to the White House. How does the show raise the stakes in Season 2? Think ...
Agent Peter Sutherland (Gabriel Basso) is back in Season 2 of "The Night Agent," a solid spy thriller that feels like a warm blanket on a cold night.
Gabriel Basso looks for fights both on the "The Night Agent" set and the kickboxing arena no matter what it does to his face. "I have other skills." ...