According to Michael Sexton in these pages, “since the Monroe Doctrine was proclaimed in 1823 by the US, it has designated both North and South America to be US spheres of influence” (“Only US and ...
In Solidarity 732 we explained our differences with the international Socialismo o Barbarie [Socialism or Barbarism] current concerning Stalinism. This excerpt from our letter to SoB discusses Ukraine ...
Formerly an obscure officer in the British army, Captain Boycott was the land agent for an absentee landlord, Lord Erne, a ...
The amount of opium imported into China increased from about two hundred chests a year in the 1730s to sixty thousand a year in the 1880s. The industry had two ... anything like those created by ...
However, by the late 1880s, a unique problem had arisen ... McKinley's presidency ushered in a new era of American imperialism. The Spanish-American war greatly expanded America's reach in ...
By the 1880s these most flourishing nations and ... let’s not be afraid to call it by its name, capitalism imperialism. This is a system that turns the sacred into something crass.
Donald Trump’s America, Vladimir Putin’s Russia, and Xi Jinping’s China, a trio which splits the world into sectors of ...
The Victorian era featured many political giants. Robert Peel, Benjamin Disraeli, and Lord Salisbury are some obvious ...
In order to counter European imperialism, replenish its treasuries and overhaul ... Christians returned. By the end of the 1880s, Damascus had been restored to something like its former glory. In 1994 ...
Collins’ history of the origins of the British revolutionary left is full of interest, and lessons of which to take heed, ...