In ancient Japan, farmers took a day off to honor the gods under cherry blossoms. This tradition, called Hanami, is rooted in Shinto rituals. Today, millions visit parks to see the ephemeral ...
Researchers in Japan have found that the taller the Japanese black pine trees (Pinus thunbergii) along the coast, the deeper ...
Japan Is Already Booked Solid for Cherry Blossom Season. Here's How You Can Still Go.
Japan Is Already Booked Solid for Cherry Blossom Season. Here's How You Can Still Go.
In the city's green spaces, members of Flock Together discover Tokyo's fauna—and solidarity between Black and brown residents ...
Pilgrimages have been part of Japanese culture for over a thousand years. The UNESCO-listed Kumano Kodo is legendary among ...
TripZilla Philippines is every Filipino's source of content on where to go and what to do, highlighting the greatest trends, ...
These Southern trees have hundreds of years of history to their names and are more than worth a visit. Here are six of the ...
Good luck booking a guide this spring, but travelers who are willing to try something new will find value in luxury hotels ...