State environmental officials say lone star ticks and long horned ticks were found in Fairfield, New London, Middlesex and New Haven counties in 2024.
This new evidence raises worries about the spread of AGS, particularly in regions like Long Island, where ticks are a growing problem.
This new evidence raises worries about the spread of AGS, particularly in regions like Long Island, where ticks are a growing ...
A rare red meat allergy, usually linked to a bite from the lone star tick, may also be caused by other tick species found in ...
A new invasive tick species was recently found in St. Louis County, with more sightings expected this spring and summer.
Of the thousands of ticks collected across Connecticut last year, the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station says ...
"Why not try something locally harvested that doesn't have to travel across the world to get to your plate?" a fisheries ...
It’s a new Amityville horror. Health officials confirmed the first two cases of rabid raccoons in Amityville since 2009 — and ...
To curb the spread of Lyme disease in the northeastern United States, scientists and public health experts for decades have ...
Wildfire continues to burn in Suffolk County. The wind, *** big problem for firefighters. 30 mile an hour winds are going to keep pushing this 2 mile wide blaze toward Qu. We have almost 80 fire ...
An investigation is underway on Long Island after a series of brush fires consumed hundreds of acres in Suffolk County. The SCPD are looking into a homeowner who was trying to make s'mores ...