The second asteroid's impact site is called the Nadir crater. Rock was liquified, launching a tsunami into the Atlantic Ocean ...
Conversely, Nightingale was a fresher crater suffused with organic material ... Long ago, a catastrophic collision snapped Bennu off of its parent body, the near-Earth asteroid we know today. There is ...
A new study suggests that Earth might have had a ring system around 466 million years ago, potentially formed during a period of unusually intense meteorite impacts known as the Ordovician impact spik ...
We are basically showing that there may not have ever been a good reason to assume Mars' dynamo shut down early.' ...
How did Earth's last mass extinction unfold? Explore what led to it, what was lost, and how life ultimately found ways to ...
The so-called "Halloween comet" vaporized as it flew within 1 million miles of the sun on Monday, its destruction captured by ...
The study claims that Earth's continents are drifting and will one day form a single supercontinent. This will be accompanied ...
"Craters on the surface are usually heavily ... There is a very small chance that Bennu, a similarly sized asteroid, could hit Earth sometime around the year 2300. The odds of that happening ...
A new study suggests that extreme temperatures could lead to a mass extinction event, ending the reign of humans and mammals ...
Researchers are particularly interested in understanding whether Mars was habitable, and if so, during what period.
A massive meteorite impact 3.26 billion years ago, far larger than the one that ended the dinosaurs, caused widespread ...