Several California criminal suspects seemed shocked to learn they would not be cited and released but going to jail instead.
Suspects who pleaded to get cited and released were told ‘Orange County is different’. (Credit: Seal Beach Police Department) ...
A 70-year-old Las Vegas man accused of killing a doctor and wounding five other people during a mass shooting at a Taiwanese ...
The Orange County grand jury didn’t say it quite that way, but it dropped a surprise early report on Tuesday, Jan. 7, ...
Seal Beach Police Department released a video of two shoplifting suspects discussing the new Proposition 36 laws while ...
A video put out by the Seal Beach police carrying the messages "Prop 36 in full effect" and "Don't steal in Seal" is being ...
Seal Beach Police released a video of two women suspected of shoplifting over $1,500 in merchandise discussing Prop. 36 -- a ...
The campaign includes release of a video in which one arrested shoplifting suspect asks another “It’s a felony?” and another ...
Accused California thieves were stunned to find themselves cuffed and shoved into a cop car thanks to "new laws" that make ...
Two people were rescued when a California pier partially collapsed and fell into the ocean as the state’s central coast was ...