Your decision to apply to graduate school took careful consideration, so you’ll want to dedicate similar time and commitment to preparing for your first day of school. Here are five tips to get ...
December/January degree candidates who apply to graduate on or before November 11, 2024, will be included in the December 2024 printed ceremony program. The names/degree(s)/honors of those who apply ...
Allow yourself ample time to collect and prepare your materials ... Keep in mind that during graduate school, you will probably work with a single mentor/advisor. Choosing a mentor is a very important ...
The first few weeks or months of your first job as a recent college graduate can be nerve-racking and overwhelming. Here are eight tips on how to be successful in the workforce when you're ...
Once you have determined that graduate studies is right for you, think about how to begin preparing and positioning yourself to be a competitive applicant and eventually a successful graduate student.
The first phase of planning for graduate work in the chemical sciences occurs during your undergraduate studies. Your undergraduate education should help you explore and prepare you for a range of ...
Successfully preparing for, finding, and transitioning into a graduate program requires an investment of time and effort. Central to this process is the on-going consideration of your goals, strengths ...
The courses you should take to prepare for graduate school will depend on whether you are considering pure or applied mathematics or statistics. Consult your advisor for a list of courses that are ...
If you plan to pursue graduate studies, consider joining the honours program as it is designed to help students become a stronger candidate for graduate school applications. We also recommend speaking ...