Like the Bell Riots of Deep Space Nine, the movie Star Trek: Section 31 is such a disaster for Trekkies that we’ve stopped our petty debates about Janeway killing Tuvix, or Kirk’s captaincy compared ...
One of Voyager's earliest episodes happens to also feature the most perfectly annoying kid in Star Trek history.
Voyager should be well-known if you're a fan of our site. Every 11 PM ET I turn on Heroes and Icons to watch Voyager. I ...
Sven Ruygrok, who plays the rather unusual Vulcan character Fuzz, was in that latter category. “I’m a baby Trekkie, so I didn ...
Voyager, Robert Picardo's character, the Emergency Medical Hologram, was sarcastic and appeared to be disinterested in what ...
Star Trek’s main lesson for today’s left is that we need to avoid both a conservative techno-phobia and the liberal ...
The daughter of a Cape Cod man who had a lifetime fascination with space travel has arranged a special memorial tribute.
Celebrity enthusiasts on the internet have joined forces to rank who they believe to be the most beautiful, “hottest”, and ...