Bringing resources and tourists together is the key to peace in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, ...
Since taking over Afghanistan in August 2021, the Taliban regime has faced escalating tensions with neighbouring countries, particularly over water issues and regional security. The regime’s deadly ...
The Thai Textile Society is holding a talk on "The Crossroads of Silks: From Bukhara To Istanbul And Beyond" at Siam Society, ...
Central Asia is a strategically significant region abundant in resources and economic potential. It can and should emerge as ...
How do we account for the past year, almost nine decades after 'Guernica,' when all the boundaries of horror have been pulverized?
The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has released a new report calling out five countries ...
Progressives have become enablers of unconscionable acts in their crusade to erase national borders. Their tactics are ...
World News in Brief: Antisemitism action plan, DR Congo violence escalates, new migration movie, year of ‘peace and trust’ ...
Labelling the Madani approach as ‘Madani Jahiliah’ is both excessive and disappointing, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s ...
For over a thousand years, Islamic zealots have generally avoided fighting anyone powerful enough to defeat them. There is no glory in failure at the hand of an infidel. The glory can be had if you ...