The stent hadn’t helped after all; the impacted kidney had, in fact, been irreversibly damaged and was now functioning at a ...
Discover the 6 telltale signs of kidney stones that send half a million Americans to emergency rooms yearly, plus prevention ...
Curadel Pharma has initiated a Phase 3 study on ZW800-1 (nizaracianine triflutate) to highlight the ureter during abdominopelvic surgery.
Now 25, Pleskoff, a Seattle native who has endured more than 30 kidney stones, is part of a troubling trend in pediatric ...
Our son had some of the symptoms of appendicitis. His lower right side was aching and he was throwing up. At the emergency ...
Sri Ramakrishna Hospital’s Urology experts share information about the Holmium Laser prostate Surgery that has been highly ...
During a live event, Sumanta K. Pal, MD, discusses the efficacy and safety findings from the CheckMate 274 trial of adjuvant ...
Staying well hydrated is critical for keeping this critical organ in good shape and preventing stones, but how much water is ...
Khawatir melihat si kecil yang mengalami anyang-anyangan? Inilah beberapa cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengatasinya.
Nicole Van Nellestyn, 39, from Mandurah, WA had hydronephrosis in her left kidney caused by endometriosis. Her left kidney ...
Our son had some of the symptoms of appendicitis. His lower right side was aching, and he was throwing up. At the emergency ...