Cricket legend MS Dhoni took the Internet by storm as he dressed as Santa Claus for his daughter Ziva and wife Sakshi. Actor Kriti Sanon also joined the cricketer’s family for the Christmas ...
It remains my priority as RIBA president to champion changes to improve workplace wellbeing, and we will take action wherever we can. The wheels are already in motion. We’ve commissioned a major new ...
State Bank Governor Jameel Ahmad has stated that Islamic banking is expanding both globally and locally, but there are three key challenges in eliminating usury (riba) in the country. Speaking at ...
A RIBA delegation led by RIBA President Muyiwa Oki, RIBA Chief Executive Dr Valerie Vaughan-Dick, and Partnerships Manager Emmanuelle Meunier, attended. The forum included exciting talks about how ...
On 14 September 1970, 66 Portland Place was granted Grade II* status. Today, 66 Portland Place is home to RIBA's architecture galleries, the RIBA Library, a café, the RIBA Bookshop and more.