After advising on the disastrous break-up of ABN Amro, the banker appears to be positioning UniCredit for a takeover of its ...
El director ejecutivo de UniCredit SpA, Andrea Orcel, sorprendió al mercado al duplicar con creces la participación del banco ...
MILAN (Reuters) - UniCredit said it had acquired on Monday, through financial instruments, a further 11.5% of Commerzbank ...
Tensions between Germany and UniCredit SpA burst into the open Monday as the government said it opposes a takeover of ...
Italian government officials are growing frustrated at Germany’s opposition to a potential takeover of Commerzbank AG by ...
UniCredit increased its holding in Commerzbank to around 21% through the purchase of additional instruments, the Italian bank ...
Commerzbank's management has warned the German government that a potential multibillion euro merger with Italy's ...
If the deal wins approval, it will make the Italian bank Commerzbank's largest shareholder - to the dismay of the German ...