The following is a summary of “Metabolic Effects of Glucagon Stimulations in Type 1 Diabetes and Healthy Controls,” published ...
The study proposes the immune system as a major regulator of blood sugar. The functions of hormones like insulin and glucagon ...
Findings suggest targeting neuro-immune pathway could lead to strategies for managing diabetes, obesity or some types of ...
The answer took them in a very unexpected direction. We thought this was all being regulated in the liver because that's where glucagon exerts its function. But our data kept telling us that ...
Our Section aims to understand the function of metabolically relevant cell systems at ... microRNAs, and the biology of the glucagon receptor family in relevant cell types, all key factors in the ...
Due to the risk of unpredictable symptoms and the liver's compromised function impacting blood sugar levels, consistent blood glucose monitoring is especially crucial for patients with diabetes and ...
Micronutrients (those needed in smaller amounts) include vitamins and minerals. Every nutrient has unique functions. Deficiencies in a specific vitamin or mineral, for example, increase the risk of ...
Hormones are typically described as chemical messengers that communicate important information to your body’s cells and regulating key functions like growth, reproduction, mood, and metabolism.