Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Thursday said no other event in the world conveys a more powerful message of harmony and unity than Maha Kumbh where anyone can take a dip in the Ganga irrespective of ...
Coining a new term “Alcohol Affected Party” for the ruling AAP,  the Delhi Congress on Thursday launched its ‘anthem’ with the theme of "Har jarurat hogi puri, Delhi me hai Congress jaruri", for the ...
Chennai: Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) sleuths have thwarted an attempt to smuggle 12kg of hashish oil to the Maldives from Tuticorin.
Gujarat received a foreign direct investment (FDI) equity inflow of USD 57.65 billion in 10 years starting April 2014, the ...
Home Minister Amit Shah’s visit to Gujarat today is expected to be significant, as he will be inaugurating several important ...
The Court was hearing a matter as to whether 18% GST should be applicable to such leasehold land deals or not.
Surat: At a time when the textile sector is growing steadily and expanding in garmenting in the Diamond City, the textile weavers are worried about th.