Custer's attitude towards plains indians was typical of the time. Do you think, if we lived in 19th century US, and wanted a nice sliver of land to settle, we'd accept Indian neighbours? Nope, we'd be ...
And are Leonid and Josef in the room with you now? I remember the kibbutzes of Israel being really quite left wing as collectives. King's Inns must be destroyed. Please note that the views expressed ...
"Thirty Jewish organisations have issued a powerful joint statement defending Francesca Albanese, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian Territories, denouncing what ...
What impact have "New Sinn Fein" had on politics in the ROI? New Sinn Fein's push into Southern Irish Politics has caused the greatest realignment in the Irish political landscape since Éamon de ...
Love him or hate him, Martin has great political instincts. He knew FF going into a coalition with SF would see them gobbled up by the latter. He assessed that FG were far safer as coalition partners.
You are going to quote the Israeli embassy? - with their contentious use of the Zionist placename Samaria. Screaming off the page at me. If you are trying to convey to me that Hamas-run Gaza Strip ...
Are these Islamo-left allies in the room with you now? Do the Islamo-left allies have Rayguns? Is yer man in the first video one of the Aryan race warriors patronised by Israel to fight (checks notes) ...
While she is probably far too conservative for the media and most of the electorate, Maria Steen would make an excellent president. She is an excellent speaker and would present well for the country ...
Mm. The Irish political community need no assistance in making a show of the country from time to time. Diarmuid Aherne's 'tidying up' of blasphemy into a legal offence would be one such example. The ...
Realistically, the current contenders at the moment are: Fine Gael - Former MEP and European Commissioner, Mairead McGuinness, and former Tánaiste and Minister, Frances Fitzgerald. Both would be ...
The basic point of the theoretical discussion is that FF needs massive numbers of transfers or first preference votes coming from people who are regular FG voters to get Bertie over the line. Strip ...
we have had the most ridiculous radical left morons since the 90s put there by RTE and the EU/Soros/US Dems State dept, puppets in the Dail,it would be time to have an actual REAL person there, ...