Next raised its guidance for fiscal 2025 again, now expecting sales to reach £5 billion, citing the strength of its ...
Ocado lifted its revenue guidance for fiscal 2024 and confirmed its earnings target, after its retail joint venture with ...
米連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)は18日の連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)で短期金利の誘導目標を0.5ポイント引き下げることを決めた。そこで問題となるのは、ジェローム・パウエルFRB議長の発言や行動を信用すべきかという点だ。パウエル氏は記者会見で、米経済 ...
Stellantis and Volkswagen suffered significant falls in new-car registrations in August, contributing to a sharp overall ...
Campari’s controlling shareholder, Lagfin, said the Aperol maker’s market price doesn’t reflect its true value. and it plans to buy up stock valued around $111 million.
【ベイルート】中東レバノン各地で18日、親イラン組織ヒズボラの利用する通信機器が再び爆発した。前日のほぼ同じ時刻に起きたポケットベル(ポケベル)爆発事件に続き、今回はヒズボラ構成員の携帯するトランシーバーが、自宅や車の中、または構成員の手の中で爆発し ...
Employment for software engineers has cooled as resources shift toward developing artificial intelligence.
The Facebook parent and other companies are warning in an open letter that the regulations risk hampering innovation and ...
Labor group will stay neutral for first time in nearly three decades.
CEO Kelly Ortberg says he will take a pay cut; credit-ratings firms have warned of a downgrade.