Some Arab American and         Muslim voters angry at U.S. support for Israel's offensive in         Gaza are shunning Democrat Kamala Harris in the presidential         race to back third-party ...
Haitian Americans said         they fear for their safety after Donald Trump repeated a false         and derogatory claim during this week's presidential debate         about immigrants in Ohio.
Huawei and Apple's latest smartphones went on sale in China on Friday, with many fans of the Chinese company disappointed that its much-anticipated $2,800 phone - more than twice the price of the iPho ...
Israeli forces killed at least 14 Palestinians in tank and air strikes on north and central areas of the Gaza Strip on Friday, medics said, as tanks advanced further into northwest Rafah near the bord ...
Sajith Premadasa, the leader of Sri Lanka's main opposition party, is a frontrunner in Saturday's presidential election and a win will hand him the top job more than 30 years after his father was assa ...
China and Japan reached a consensus in August on the discharge of radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear plant, the Chinese foreign ministry said on Friday, bringing to an end a diplomatic dispu ...
The United States should take into account Moscow's warnings on risks of further escalation around the conflict in Ukraine, Russia's state-run news agency RIA Novosti cited Russian Deputy Foreign Mini ...
The world's biggest technology companies have embarked on a final push to persuade the European Union to take a light-touch approach to regulating artificial intelligence as they seek to fend off the ...
長江生命科技(00775)委任Lance Richard Lee Yuen為執行董事、副總裁及行政總監, 而現任副總裁及行政總監余英才, 調任為副主席, 即日起生效.         Lance Richard Lee Yuen加入長江生命科技前, 於德國Bayer擔任健康消費品亞太區總裁.
Morocco has arrested 152 people, who will now face trial on accusations they used social media to incite an attempt at mass illegal migration into the adjacent Spanish enclave of Ceuta, a government s ...
本二手樓價上升.         中原城市領先指數報137.09點, 按周上升百分之0.31, 扣除豪宅的中原城市大型屋苑領先指數CCL Mass報137.23點, 按周上升百分之0.16, 當中, 中小型及大型單位樓價分別上升百分之0.16及1.01.         四區樓價兩升兩跌, 港島及九龍樓價分別升百分之0.69及0.51, 新界西及新界東樓價就下跌百分之0.33及0.57, 分別創2 ...
國慶煙花匯演10月1日晚上九時, 在維多利亞港舉行, 慶祝國慶75周年.         煙花主題為「盛世煙花耀中華」, 歷時28分鐘, 首五分鐘會首次加入無人機表演, 600架無人機會在空中, 砌出熊貓及「75」圖案, 之後合共發放31,888枚煙花, 整個煙花匯演預算超過1,800萬元.         匯演分為8幕, 主題包括慶祝中華人民共和國成立75周年, 獅子山下70載, 喜迎國寶熊貓等 ...