Some Arab American and         Muslim voters angry at U.S. support for Israel's offensive in         Gaza are shunning Democrat Kamala Harris in the presidential         race to back third-party ...
U.S. arms sales to Taiwan have seriously violated China's "One China Principle" and provisions of joint communiques between China and the U.S., Zhang Xiaogang, a spokesperson for China's defence minis ...
深圳日本人學校一名10歲男學生, 上學途中被人用刀刺死. 深圳警方表示, 44歲漢族男疑犯, 對持刀傷害學生行為供認不諱, 已被依法刑拘, 案件正進一步偵辦, 指案件屬於偶發個案.         事發在星期三早上8時左右, 深圳市公安局表示, 公安機關迅速到場處置, 事發後10分鐘, 就近的前海蛇口自貿區醫院救護車到場, 替傷者急救, 再在10分鐘後將他送到醫院搶救. 男童延至周四凌晨一時多不治 ...
德勤就下月公布的施政報告提出建議, 主要圍繞公共財政、北都發展、創新科技及金融市場四大領域.         在公共財政方面, 建議成立「檢討公共財政專責小組」, 以全面檢視公共財政, 同時考慮成立「新稅項事宜諮詢委員會」, 全面檢討稅制, 同時確保香港簡單而具競爭力的稅制, 另外, 要持續檢視公務員編制, 在不影響公共服務質素前題下, 透過科技及調配人手等提高效率, 同時建議調高機場離境稅五成、 ...
警方在屯門打擊黃賭毒, 檢獲市值約95萬港元毒品, 拘捕55人, 涉嫌製造及販運危險藥物, 經營賭博及色情場所, 部分人有黑社會背景.         警方於星期二起一連三日, 突擊搜查屯門區兩個, 用作製毒工場及儲存毒品倉的公屋單位, 6個位於唐樓單位的無牌按摩處所, 以及一個以唐樓單位作掩飾的非法賭場, 拘捕27男28女, 介乎19至84歲, 共檢獲1.2公斤可卡因, 超過200支含大麻二酚的 ...
Striking junior doctors in India's West Bengal state agreed to resume essential services, in a partial resumption of medical facilities, but they will continue their strike over the rape and murder of ...
澳紐股市收市個別發展. 標普澳洲200指數收報8209點, 升17點, 升幅百分之0.21. 新西蘭50隻成分股指數收報12478點, 跌186點, 跌幅百分之1.47.
港股午後升幅略為收窄, 恒生指數最新報18223點, 升209點.         新經濟股個別發展, 騰訊(00700)逆市偏軟, 阿里巴巴(09988)升百分之2, 美團(03690)上升, 百度(09888)偏軟, 京東(09618)靠穩, 網易(09999)升百分之2, 快手(01024)或遭股東減持, 股價跌百分之1, 商湯(00020)升半成.         石藥集團(01093)未 ...
Tensions brewing in Asia's trade-rich waters top the agenda as U.S. President Joe Biden welcomes leaders from Australia, India and Japan to his Delaware hometown for a diplomatic push to counter China ...
A stabbing on Thursday evening in the Dutch city of Rotterdam left one person dead and injured two others, including the male suspect who was arrested, police said. Witnesses told Dutch broadcaster NO ...
Japan erupted in cheers on Friday morning after national hero Shohei Ohtani blasted his way into Major League Baseball history as the first player to hit 50 home runs and steal 50 bases in a season. " ...
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Thursday that Jewish-American voters would be partly to blame if he loses the Nov. 5 election to Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic can ...