Kohler, F.K., Schaller, C., Klemm, O. (2022) Quantification of Urban Methane Emissions: A Combination of Stationary with Mobile Measurements. Atmosphere 13, 1596 ...
(zusammen mit Ines Traber) Projektseminar: Pädagogische Projekte im Sportverein [075374] Projektseminar: Projektmanagement im Sportverein [075259] Fachpraktisches Seminar: Turnen Gruppe 1 (Teil A) ...
Ricardo Römhild completed his studies of English, Geography, and Educational Studies at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena in 2015. He has gained experience as an educator for English (as a foreign ...
Die Messung des Windes erfolgt in einer Höhe von 15 m über dem Dach. Die Geschwindigkeit wird in m s-1 gemessen. Dabei entspricht 1 m s-1 gleich 3,6 km h-1 oder 1,95 kn (Knoten = 1 Seemeile pro Stunde ...
Jost, A. (2023) Evaluation of Short-Term Sea Ice Drift Forecasts: Benefits from and Limitations of Subdaily Resolution Punsmann, C. (2022) Umweltbilanz der Raumfahrt - Welche Rolle spielen Klima- und ...
Der Vorkurs Physik hat das Ziel, Studienanfänger*innen der Bachelor-Studiengänge Physik (einschließlich Zwei-Fach-Bachelor und Bachelor für das Lehramt an Berufskollegs), Geophysik sowie Mathematik ...
Individual appointments are also still possible. I am available by phone and email from Monday to Thursday from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm.
Otto Klemm, Prof. Dr. Carsten Schaller, Dr. Fatemeh Mayvaneh, Dr. Emal Wali, Dr. Hilfskräfte Studierende Ehemalige Mitarbeiter ...
Kohler, F.K., Schaller, C., Klemm, O. (2022) Quantification of Urban Methane Emissions: A Combination of Stationary with Mobile Measurements. Atmosphere 13, 1596 ...
Cut-off dates cannot be extended. If you fail the application/enrolment deadline, the application/enrolment will be denied. In case of enrolment in a restricted degree programme, your admission will ...
Beginning in the winter term of 2024/25, the Cluster of Excellence will introduce an interdisciplinary certificate programme titled ‘Religion and Politics’, in which students can acquire additional ...