Arizona Game and Fish is investigating an incident where a poisonous substance led to the deaths of 14 coyotes, three javelina, three pet dogs and a raven on the east side.
An ant that disappears into the forest floor, a bird that demands attention from mates—for these animals, an inky black ...
Reptile enthusiast Adrian Theroux-Nielsen works with many St. Albert-area snakes and snake owners as manager of Oasis Fish ...
The box jellyfish is often regarded as one of the most venomous creatures inhabiting the world’s oceans. Belonging to the ...
JIM THORPE, Pa. (WTVO) — A Pennsylvania man is recovering after a rabid black bear attacked him. Andrew Neirer said he was walking from his house in the Pocono Mountains to a store when he saw the ...
Slow lorises are a study in contradictions. With wide eyes and furry bodies, these slow-moving, pint-sized primates look like ...
This is the oldest confirmed use of a mixture comprising two or more plant toxins specifically applied to arrowheads.
Our oceans are filled with fascinating marine life. Of course, they're not all harmless. Avoid these venomous creatures while ...
Around the world, humans routinely kill carnivores to protect livestock and game, increase human safety and conserve native ...
The blue-ringed octopus is a tiny sea creature that looks beautiful and harmless. It has bright blue rings on its body that ...
Explore ten of the most colorful snake species, including the Milksnake, Corn Snake, Green Tree Python, and Rainbow Boa.
Explorer, storm chaser and YouTuber George Kourounis stung himself with a deadly box jellyfish to see how he would deal with ...