8月9日,印度一名31岁女实习医生的尸体在 该国东部城市加尔各答一所医院 被发现,其生前疑似遭到轮奸。此事引发了印度全国性的抗议浪潮,案件发生地西孟加拉邦的数千名医务人员更是持续进行罢工抗议。
9月9日,针对印度西孟加拉邦首府加尔各答8月9日发生的施暴者奸杀女实习医生案件,印度最高法院下达命令,要求印度中央调查局(CBI,该国的刑事调查和国家安全情报机构)提交一份新的调查报告;要求在西孟加拉邦抗议的医生在10日下午5点之前恢复工作,否则邦政府有权对他们采取不利行动;要求从社交平台上删除受害者的所有照 ...
通源环境(688679)主营业务:专注于固废污染综合整治、污泥污水及水环境综合整治和环境修复业务的高新技术企业,依托自主研发的固废污染阻隔修复系统构建、污泥高干脱水炭化处理处置、河 ...
加尔各答奸杀案揭示了深层次的社会问题,包括长期存在的性别偏见、执法部门对性侵案件处理的消极以及社会文化的系统性缺陷。犯罪嫌疑人罗伊作为公民志愿者,其行为暴露出即使是被认为 ...
上月9日,该医院一名实习女医生在医院遭残忍奸杀,引发印度民众的强烈抗议。警方最先锁定该医院志愿者罗伊是嫌疑人,并将其逮捕。据悉,戈什是继罗伊后,第二个围绕这一案件被抓捕的人。在戈什被捕后不到一个小时,CBI又抓捕了戈什的保镖阿夫萨尔·阿里·汗以及两名 ...
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Monday (September 2, 2024) arrested four people, including former principal of the R.G. Kar Medical College and Hospital Sandip Ghosh, in connection ...
Staff at the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) have been told they need permission from their line manager to drink alcohol at the group’s summer party, after it was rocked by claims of ...
On August 22, during a Supreme Court hearing, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) alleged that the crime scene was 'altered' and the victim's family was misled about the real cause of their ...
Somashekar and Justice Umesh M. Adiga passed the order while dismissing the petitions filed by the CBI and BJP MLA Basanagouda Patil Yatnal, who had questioned the legality of the withdrawal of ...
Kolkata: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday reached the Police Morgue of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata for further investigation of the rape and murder of the ...
NEW DELHI: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has sought court permission to conduct a polygraph test on Kolkata Police assistant sub-inspector (ASI) Anup Dutta in connection with the ...