The first official elected Chicago school board meeting focused on protecting Chicago Public School students from ICE, and a ...
A lack of West Virginia CPS workers directly feeds a lack of foster homes and the instability and lack of permanency many ...
A special mailbox for children to flag abuses has been set up at a Paris primary school, a first in the French capital as ...
With the TRO against the Board of Education in place, the fired CPS CEO remains in charge of Chicago Public Schools.
Some moms and families of CPS students who lost their lives to gun violence are still waiting for arrests to be made. Others know suspects are in custody — but it does not make grieving any easier.
On her walk to the school in bitterly cold weather Thursday morning, she slipped and fell on ice just one block away from Rothenberg ... keeping kids outside waiting in the cold.
Fearing federal agents asking to search a Chicago elementary school Friday morning were from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, school officials denied them entry. But it turned out they were US ...