Sopar i presentació del Carnestoltes del Carnaval de Calonge i Sant Antoni a càrrec de la Colla Els Gambats. A les 21 h al ...
Antoni Cañete ha dipositat aquest divendres els avals necessaris per optar a la reelecció com a president de Pimec en les ...
Aquest mes, el dia 26, Teresa Gaudí, resbeneta del genial arquitecte reusenc i presidenta de l’associació Amics de Gaudí, ...
Antoni Pont ha fet un repàs dels valors que comparteixen tots els accionistes de la companyia que pertanyen "a una nissaga ...
The sunglass line is in collaboration with the James Dean Estate and managed to get Antoni to film the promo clip inside Dean’s former NYC apartment on W. 68th street on Manhattan’s Upper West Side.
The idea that tariffs are always and everywhere passed on to consumers is a fallacy, by both economic theory and the record of history.
For Butler, that is trying to win his first championship with the Warriors and proving they were right to pursue and extend ...
Posats a escollir, la gent preferiria cobrar més per les mateixes 40 hores d’ara que no pas cobrar igual per tenir mitja hora ...
Here are the top 5 all-time leaders in games coached for the Phoenix Suns, a team still chasing an NBA championship.
The Indonesian government has opted to promote and adopt the agroforestry approach to cultivate gogo-type paddy on 1.1 ...
The impacts of Donald Trump’s long-promised pledge to use tariffs as a political cudgel started to come into focus Monday, ...