City spokesperson Memi Cárdenas said disciplinary memos have to be closely reviewed for sensitive personal information that would need to be redacted. That can cause a delay in posting them ...
Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, exlíder del Cártel del Golfo y fundador de Los Zetas, se declaró inocente ante un juez federal de las acusaciones por narcotráfico que le imputó ayer la Fiscalía ...
Cárdenas Guillén, known as "El Mata Amigos," led the Gulf Cartel with extreme violence, notably using former Mexican special forces as guards. Listen to Story Drug lord Cárdenas Guillén deported to ...
La temporada 2024 de MasterChef Celebrity finalizó la noche del 17 de diciembre tras una emocionante prueba final en la que se enfrentaron Paola Rey, Martina La Peligrosa, Vicky Berrío y ...
Apenas reinó unos años, pero lo cambió todo. Es el epitafio que podría escribirse en la lápida criminal de Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, el primer capitalista del narco. Apodado El Mata Amigos ...
He reigned for only a few years, but he changed everything. This could be the epitaph on the criminal tombstone of Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, the first drug cartel capitalist. At the turn of the century, ...
Osiel Cardenas Guillen, 57, was serving a 25-year sentence in a U.S. maximum security prison before he was handed over to immigration enforcement officers in August. A member of Los Zetas ...
He is a Mexican citizen, so presumably he was deported. "The successful removal of Osiel Cardenas, a notorious international fugitive, underscores our unwavering commitment to public safety and ...
A notorious Mexican drug lord who led a bloodthirsty cartel has been removed from the U.S. and handed over to authorities in Mexico, where U.S. officials say he is wanted for homicide and other ...
MEXICO CITY - The U.S. government deported drug lord Osiel Cardenas on Monday, transferring custody of the ex-Gulf Cartel chief known for hyper-violent tactics to Mexican authorities at the border ...
Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, exlíder del Cártel del Golfo y fundador de los “Los Zetas”, pasó su primera noche en México luego de ser deportado desde Estados Unidos este lunes 16 de diciembre ...
Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, uno de los principales líderes del Cártel del Golfo, fue deportado a México por las autoridades de Estados Unidos este lunes 16 de diciembre, informó el Servicio de ...