A Florida man is facing up to 10 years in federal prison after pleading guilty to assaulting a DFW Airport gate agent in October.
Held at Florida International University’s Tamiami campus in Sweetwater, the panel was moderated by Albert Arisso of Miami-based lender Vertix Group. The Calta Group’s Gaetano ...
Click to see why Orlando ranks so high in an analysis of 100 U.S. metro areas when it comes to STEM professionals.
Ionata is the son of former FSU offensive lineman Joey Ionata, who played for the Seminoles from 1984-88. Ionata was a ...
Long before the word “influencer” had anything to do with Instagram or TikTok, three Florida artists were living up the designation. Art by Mernet Larsen, Steve Lotz and Bruce Marsh will be the focus ...