You can leave it on 24 hours a day without worry. EASY SETUP AND CLEAN: The BN-LINK Durable Seedling Heating Mats feature multiple layers of flexible waterproof PVC that encase heat-conducting wire.
Pro tip: If you do use the lighter seed-starting soil, moisten the soil before inserting the seed. This light soil tends to ...
US hardiness zone 7 is large and stretches over 28 states in total. It spans from Cape Cod, MA and covers parts of Virginia, ...
Starting seeds indoors during the winter months is a practical and rewarding strategy for avid gardeners. This practic ...
Bites from a strawberry should progress from the stem end to the tip, since the tip is the sweetest part and it is desirable ...
You can germinate seeds indoors now so that seedlings will be ready for planting ... The surest way to facilitate germination is with a heating mat that encourages robust root development.
In our area and latitude, late January to early February is the ideal time to start sowing seeds indoors for onion transplants. There are several advantages to growing your own onion transplants ...
Damping off can be devastating to the beginning of your growing season. Luckily, it's easy to prevent with some good gardening hygiene.