The most expensive project will be replacing the ageing Huia Water Treatment Plant, now estimated to cost $1.12 billion.
The plan is aimed at punishing landlords without shutting off service for tenants. Last month, there were nine complexes that owed more than $50,000.
The measure would add new limits to groundwater use in rural Arizona, but some residents of those areas say it doesn't do enough.
Lawmakers are considering the issue after the Department of Environmental Protection last year approved a draft permit for ...
Lorain City Councilwoman-at-Large Mary Springowski is asking that the Utilities Department alter its hours back to ...
Members of a Texas Senate committee unanimously advanced Senate Bill 7 during a March 24 hearing. The proposal by Sen.
Grundy County residents are hoping to gain regulatory authority over permitting and enforcement of the dumping of “biosolids” ...
The bills would allow developers to buy credits for wetlands mitigation far from areas impacted and long before restoration ...
A bill that would guarantee bodies of water legal rights to protect against destruction has been introduced into the New York ...
More PFAS news on New York’s Plastic Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act, and how septic systems might be responsible ...
Among the bills introduced during the current legislative session by Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula is AB 1425, which seeks to prohibit pit dewatering within the San Joaquin River Basin “in areas ...