Freedom came to Russian serfs and U.S. slaves in the same decade. The future was fraught with uncertainty for both.
I have translated into English and uploaded on an article entitled "Abolition of the Wage System", which was part of a series written during 1974-1975. It was published in ...
And we honor those.” On its website, the Defender says it is “first and foremost, a Black-led, Abolitionist organization. … When we refer to ‘abolition,’ we mean a world free from ...
Students could discuss the point of view of different sides of the abolition debate. Produce a spectrum of opinion for different dates, based on how pro or anti-slavery Britain was at that time.
Former slaves made a considerable contribution to the abolition movement. Several wrote and published their personal accounts of slavery. One of the best known authors was Olaudah Equiano ...
What are records? Since 2014, The Marshall Project has been curating some of the best criminal justice reporting from around the web. In these records you will find the most recent and the most ...
Although women didn’t have a voice in society at the time, behind the scenes they played a significant role in the abolitionist campaign, organising petitions and boycotting sugar produced by ...
How people in power used their influence against the abolition movement. Henry Dundas was Secretary of State for Britain and the Colonies as well as Lord of the Admiralty. He used his influence ...