Israel repeatedly deceived the US about Dimona’s true purpose but intelligence agencies gradually worked out what was going ...
The greatest danger in our history—and today—is the danger from within: corrupt leaders who prioritize their own interests ...
Trump has set a new low bar for other world leaders, who, like him, seem to tick every box when it comes to identifying them ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's plan to fire the head of the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) drew praise from ...
The King David Hotel in Jerusalem, a symbol of Israel's history, from British Mandate to modern conflicts, and peace efforts.
Yitzhak Rabin, who was prime minister at the time ... the leader of the commando team, Captain Nir Poraz (no family ties) was killed in fire exchange. Post Mortem he received the Chief of Staff ...
The funeral was broadcast live on all the main television stations; Israel hadn’t witnessed such an event since the funeral of slain prime minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995. [ Hamas hands over ...
The baseline qualifier for an American pro-Israel organization should be promoting policies that are in line with mainstream Israeli policy.
Ahram Online takes an in-depth look into the decades-old schemes by Israel to expand its territories by swallowing the West ...
In his final year in the southern command, Zamir’s troops “confronted” Palestinian protesters from Gaza taking part in the Great March of Return; they killed more than 150 protesters and ...