Q: Don Leiffer Jr. of Highland said he and several friends were kicking around the idea of what the Department of Motor ...
New York State renewed the waiver to eliminate the engine compartment requirement of school bus driver's road tests.
The DMV will have two student-athletes representing the area at the McDonald’s All American basketball games in Brooklyn, New ...
The NBC 10 I-Team learned that fixing the issue will cost the Division of Motor Vehicles roughly $6,800 in additional postage ...
But the Department of Motor Vehicles had a relatively tight window for when orders were accepted: September 1983 to Dec. 31, ...
A man known as "Swave" who reportedly oversaw the trafficking of hundreds of pounds of marijuana from California to the ...
The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles has been raising pay for more than half of its employees since August, based on a ...
The Mobile DMV made its monthly stop in Clarkson Wednesday, providing easier DMV access to those living in suburban ...
The Oregon DMV will close its busy Mall 205 location at the end of January, citing sewage smells, sporadic water pressure and ...
The DMV wants to hire 61 additional people to fill holes at its driver’s license offices, particularly in the Triangle and ...
So I set out to answer what I thought was a simple question: How many cars have towing companies sold? I submitted a request ...
Critics fear Mobile ID will allow government to track New Yorkers, invade privacy; DMV says it cannot track the IDs.