Jim and State Representative Hillary Cassel, a Republican from Broward County, discuss an unprecedented hearing in ...
Delray Beach Republican Rep. Mike Caruso, who cast the sole “no” vote Thursday, noted that according to a House staff ...
Who's at fault for Florida's insurance woes? A new report could change the diagnosis and fuel a push to change current ...
Rep. Hillary Cassel on Thursday blasted a lobbyist for his testimony on a bill that would increase the potential for wrongful ...
Republican Senate President Ben Albritton emotionally recalled walking the halls of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and ...
Insurers warn that the bill, which would rebuild a mechanism to award attorney fees to policyholders that sue, would undo all ...
The first grilling of state insurance commissioners since an explosive news report raised questions of how your insurers move ...
The bill would repeal a law passed after the Parkland shooting that prevents people under age 21 from buying rifles and shotguns.
A bill under consideration in the Florida Legislature would award attorney fees to the prevailing party in insurance ...
Hillary Cassel, R-Hollywood, as she successfully argued for the bill, which would award attorney fees to the prevailing party in a lawsuit over a claims settlement. The legislation's fate ...